Monday, February 27, 2017

Google Panda Takes Into Account Site Quality Including Site Architecture

Google's John Mueller said in a video hangout on Friday at the 8:54 mark that Google's Panda algorithm takes into account site quality, including the site architecture. John said, "when we look at Panda we see that as something that is more like a general kind of quality evaluation of the web site and it takes into account everything around the site."

The question asked was "Does Panda take site architecture into account when doing Panda score or would fixing those categories make no difference at all?"

John said:

So that is something where if we find issues across the site where we think this is essentially affects the quality of the web site overall, then that is something that might be taken into account there.

So if you are saying that your category pages are really bad and that is something you really can improve then that is something I’d work on, I’d work to improve.

Here is the video embed:

Via @johnmu Panda takes everything into account site quality-wise, including architecture (which can impact content)
